Monday, December 22, 2008

4 Secrets to Learning Hypnosis

Are you looking for ways to learning hypnosis so that your boss can give you raise? Or perhaps you want to hypnotize yourself to quit smoking, lose weight or even get other people to like you more.

Whatever you are looking for, you can achieve it if you first put your mind - and your subconscious mind, to it.

You see, learning hypnosis is really an achievable goal. However, there are 4 secrets to learning hypnosis that you must know:

1) You must know what you want

If you are learning hypnosis to rid yourself of a bad habit, or to improve some aspect of your life, you must know exactly what you want in details. Saying "I wish to quit smoking" isn't enough. It has to be goal and time oriented - "I wish to quit smoking within 2 weeks because I wish to lead a healthy lifestyle". So take some time to think of what you really want.

2) Rugged determination

Learning hypnosis is just like learning the guitar. You cannot become a master at it overnight. Often, you will question whether what you are learning really works, and some might give up along the way. However, once you get past the initial stages of teaching yourself how to hypnotize, you'll rapidly progress on to being proficient at performing advanced hypnosis techniques.

3) Finding the right environment

The place where you are learning hypnosis is extremely important as well. A recommended place is somewhere dimly lit, with a chair in the middle of the room. Soothing music and nice smelling fragrance will definitely help as well.

4) Practise, practise and practise

This is the most important mantra of being successful at anything, and it applies to hypnosis as well. Keep practising it wherever you go, on unsuspecting subjects, and gradually it will become second nature to you. Eventually, you will realize that you have the ability to control the minds and bend the wills of other people. Then you will know, that you have mastered the art of hypnotizing others.

However, hypnosis is generally used for good works, like helping others cure their addiction, kick their habits, or get their life back on track. Learning hypnosis should not be used for personal gain. However, it is very much up to the individual's discretion.

The author is an avid practitioner of hypnosis, and have used hypnosis with to him many others. Visit Hypnotizing Secrets to learn more about hypnosis and how it can help you.



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